Star party to feature galaxies and star clusters Saturday

Kris Fettkether

Some argue that we are what we eat. Others say “We are the Stuff of Stars.”

The Ames Area Amateur Astronomers will host their monthly star party Saturday, June 22 starting at 8 p.m. Club president, Ed Engle will present a slide show titled, “We are the Stuff of Stars,” followed by a an evening of star gazing.

The slide show presentation given by Engle begs the question, “how did we get water, rocks, plants and people?” The stuff that is us will be the topic of this light hearted exploration into the origins of matter in the universe.

“We’ll be looking at galaxies and star clusters,” Dave Oesper, Educational Outreach Section Leader for the AAAA, said of the observing to place immediately afterward. “About 30 to 40 constellations should be visible.”

Oesper said that some of the more recognizable constellations like The Little and Big Dippers, Hercules and Scorpios can be viewed through the 12 1/2 inch telescope housed at the the Story County Conservation Center.

Other telescopes will also be available for party goers and Oesper will stand outside with a beam light pointing out constellations for viewers, he said.

The star party is free and open to the public. Participants should bring binoculars, if possible, and dress for the weather (Oesper suggests bringing mosquito repellent.)

“If it’s cloudy, the show will end at 9 p.m.,” Oesper said. “But if it’s clear, guests can stay as long as they want.”

The program will begin in the Story County Conservation Center, followed by observing at the McFarland Park Observatory if skies are clear. For more information about the AAAA and these star parties, contact the Story County Conservation Center at 232-2516.