ISU’s got the KURE

Editorial Board

Iowa State Daily Editorial Board: Tim Davis, Jamey Hansen, Tim Frerking, Chris Mende and Keesia Wirt.

Finally. So far it has been seven months, three weeks, and five days without hearing from KUSR radio. Finally, around July 20 or Aug. 1, we will hear from them.

Well, maybe not KUSR. Forget KUSR. Think KURE — the kure for our summertime blues.

We will be glad to see the station back on the air on time and on schedule. It’s good to see something at the university actually meeting its planned schedule, unlike a certain Memorial Union’s construction schedule.

We print journalists have the Iowa State Daily to help us learn our profession. We will be glad for the broadcast radio journalists to finally get their venue back after a long absence in order that they may once again use it to help them learn their profession.

It’s too bad students involved with television media no longer have much to work with after the university robbed them of their greatest source of learning, WOI-TV, and stuck them with the ill-equipped STV-9.

It will be good to hear a wide rotation of music directed at students like before, instead of having to listen to other local stations who play the same seven most popular songs over and over for hours on end.

The hunt for good music to buy will be easier, thanks to this beautiful, little college radio station who refuses to sell out like corporate stations do by playing only the songs that the record companies’ charts say are popular across the country.

We welcome Iowa State’s KURE.