Rise & Shine benefits commuter students

Fran Scrutton

Rise & Shine is looking for hosts to help make commuter students and adult students at Iowa State feel a little more welcome.

“It’s a program we’ve been doing for a year now,” said Stephanie Chervinko, program assistant. “We set up and serve coffee and coffeecake and it’s for commuter students and adult students.”

These students can meet on Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. in the Memorial Union. The room has not yet been decided but will be posted to notify all interested students.

“Every week we have a different host from a different campus office or organization or department, and essentially they’re there to help students understand what is happening on campus,” Chervinko said. “If you don’t live on campus, it can be harder to find out the many opportunities that are available for students

“It’s essentially an outreach program coordinated by the Office of Adult Learner and Commuter Student Programs,” she said. “It’s a drop-in type of thing. People mix and mingle.”

Rise and Shine also allows organizations to meet with commuter students and adult students, Chervinko said.

“We ask each host to contribute $50 toward the cost of the program. This is a pretty good deal since it’s about the average cost of an ad in the Daily,” she added. “If an organization has limited funds, they may want to get together with another organization and co-host.”

If your organization would like to host a discussion group, now is the time to register. Registration forms are due by Friday, May 10.

For more information call Stephanie Chervinko at 294-2364. Chervinko’s e-mail address is [email protected].