Five questions of Michael Vartan

Daily Staff Writer

French-American actor Michael Vartan is about to have many new friends. With his chiseled good looks, he stands out in the romantic comedy The Pallbearer, in which he’s the pal of ”Friends’ ” nice-guy David Schwimmer. Vartan’s currently filming an ensemble piece called The Myth of Fingerprints with Noah Wyle from ”ER,” Blythe Danner and Julianne Moore.

He first came to international attention in the Italian film Fiorile. All this from a start in which he took acting classes in Los Angeles. The following are excerpts from an interview with Vartan.

1. Ever laugh at a funeral like the characters in The Pallbearer?

Vartan: No, that’s never happened to me in real life. I guess only because I’d feel mortified out of respect for the people around. When we did that scene, I really was trying so hard not to laugh. I thought, ”I’m going to have to force myself to laugh, because, like, after the 10th take, how many things can you laugh about?” I actually found myself trying not to laugh because David is so incredibly funny in that eulogy speech. I couldn’t stop laughing.

2. Do you ever watch ”Friends?”

Vartan: Yes, I do. But lately I haven’t been able to watch it because I’ve been working so much. When I have watched it, I love the show but it’s like, ‘I wish I was working somewhere.’

3. What’s it like watching yourself on screen?

Vartan: When I saw The Pallbearer, I actually didn’t cringe too much. I thought, ‘Oh, that’s not bad, that’s not bad.’ With Fiorile, people would say, ‘You were good.’ I’d say, ‘Oh, no.’ Then it would come across as this really false modesty. So it’s nice to finally be in the mood where I can say, ‘Oh, thank you,’ and not be embarrassed about it.

4. What was the difference with The Pallbearer?

Vartan: Number one, I’ve matured a lot. I’ve learned a lot in terms of my acting ability — I just felt more confident. And I was working with that great cast. When people around you are that real and that good, you’ve got to TRY to be really bad. … I had more fun on that movie than any summer vacation I ever had.

5. How did you get into acting?

Vartan: Basically, I know it sounds really corny, but when I moved to L.A., I didn’t know anyone and my mom’s friends said, ‘You know, your kid sort of has an interesting look, maybe he should be an actor.’ So I thought I’d join an acting class — at least I’d meet people my own age. … I had no idea what it was about and I was a really shy, introverted kid. I’m still pretty shy now. I thought it can’t hurt. At least, I will meet people.