Towing terror

To The Editor:

I just read Jenny Hykes’ article on the towing of cars being done by Iowa State University.

The same shocking scene is visible in Iowa City, but it is always the City of Iowa City or apartment buildings that call the tow truck.

I wonder why Iowa State University has gone into this so big? It looks like they tow many each day. A student or visitor is losing use of his or her auto for a time when it was needed and it is a valuable piece of property as well.

I think those who use tow trucks to enforce their rules are going too far. It is a sickening feeling to see it go, on even if it isn’t your own.

These state college towns in Iowa grew prosperous off of the student who needed a car to get to the city and to get around in it.

The officials of Iowa State or the Board of Regents should keep that in mind.

Iowa State’s Parking Division is imitating the private apartment owners and the city in using this kind of power over its own students.

Students almost always have to be somewhere when they park. It makes Iowa State seem like a roadside “tourist trap.”

Kenneth Wessels

Iowa City, Iowa