1 injured in pedestrian-car accident

April Samp

A pedestrian was struck by a vehicle on Wallace Road in a late-night accident Monday, officials said.

Maureen Bichler, 20, a sophomore in chemistry, was sent by ambulance to Mary Greeley Medical Center around 10:30 p.m.

She sustained minor sprains and bruises and was released later Monday night, officials said.

Kristi Altringer, a freshman in journalism and mass communication who witnessed the accident, said Richler was walking east across Wallace Road when a black Blazer pulled out of Maple-Willow-Larch parking lot 63 and struck her.

Altringer said Richler then rolled on top of the hood, hit the windshield and landed on the cement.

Officials identified the driver of the Blazer as Jennifer Widmayer, a freshman in animal science. As of yet, no charges have been filed. Because Richler wasn’t in the crosswalk lines when she was hit, it could have a bearing on who is at fault for the accident, said Department of Public Safety Officer Alton Poole.