Reid Crawford leaves ISU after 14 years of service

Cindy Tschampl

Vice President for external affairs Reid Crawford left ISU in August after 14 years of service.

Crawford accepted a position at the University of Maryland as the Vice President for institutional advancement. He’ll also serve as vice president of the University of Maryland Foundation.

In his 14 years at ISU, Crawford served in the intercollegiate athletics, university relations, the ISU foundation, WOI AM-FM radio, university museums, ISU Alumni Association and the Iowa State Center.

Crawford was responsible for the most successful fund raiser while serving as part of the external affairs office. He aided in the initiation of creative community outreach programs. Crawford also lead the effort to create a gender equity plan while maintaining a good variety of sports offerings.

Crawford is a member of the National Association of College and University Attorneys and the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. Crawford’s positions at ISU included legal advisor from 1981 to 1994 and assistant to the president from 1981 to 1991. He also served as State Representative in Iowa House from 1973 to 1981.

Although Crawford said that he will miss ISU, he said the decision to relocate to the University of Maryland was a positive one.

“I think that it will be good for me at Maryland,” he said. “Change is good.”

Murray Blackwelder, former head of Alumni Association and associate vice president for external affairs, served as interim vice president for external affairs after Crawford’s departure, and after a search, he was named as Crawford’s successor this spring.