Harris Hall?

To The Editor:

If it comes about that Catt Hall is renamed, I propose that the University community consider Harris hall after Dona Harris.

Dona Harris has made an enormous effort to improve the lot of women at Iowa State University.

Dona has not fought on the national front for passage of legislation for women’s rights. Rather she has gallantly fought for enforcement of these laws.

Laws concerning fair labor practices, comparative worth of gender, labor contracts and sexual harassment were often ignored before Dona showed up.

Dona has served on women’s committees, has presented workshops on women’s issues, and is president of Local 96, the local branch of AFSCME for clericals working at ISU.

Her biggest problem is not her family obligations, a hearing impairment or her crippled automobile. It is the administrative juggernaut that seeks to thwart her demand for gender fairness at ISU.

The fight is unbelievably nasty. Her computer use and phone calls are questioned. Even people who converse with her in the hallway

have been questioned by the administration.

Although her use of printed materials has been restricted she continues to function effectively.

While Professional and Scientific, Faculty Senate, and Supervisory and Confidential officials are allowed to use campus mail and university printing facilities to contact their constituents, Dona has to buy her own stamps to stay in touch.

So it would be fitting that Catt Hall be renamed Dona Harris Hall, for a local woman who, in spite of overwhelming hardship, has continued to fight for women’s rights.

Patrick Foley

Ames resident