Speaker to discuss healing in divorce

Cindy Tschampl

A free community forum will held Sunday in conjunction with the Youth and Shelter Services conference, “Risky Business: Being a Kid Today.”

In “Healing Hearts,” Elizabeth Hickey, M.S.W., a family counselor and mediator, will discuss healing within a divorce. Under the title of “Fostering the Spirit of Parenting for Tough Times,” Ron Willis, president of Green Porch Swings Productions, will talk about raising children.

“Miss Hickey was instrumental in changing laws in Utah and Connecticut that require parents with minor children to go through counseling before getting a divorce. Ron Willis will give a really down-to-earth talk on how to handle the kids. Everybody loved him last year,” said Margaret Hess, director of prevention and education for Youth and Shelter Services.

Hess said that “Healing Hearts” is being paid for by Mary Beth Oostenbrug in memory of her son. “Tim Longman was killed in a car accident last year, and his mother thought that this would be an appropriate memorial for her son,” she said.

The forum will be held May 5, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Ames City Auditorium, which is located at 515 Clark Ave.