Veishea events dominate week

Suzanne Fowler

Veishea ’96, “Continuing Iowa’s Heritage,” kicked off its week-long events over the weekend, and each day this week will be host to several events which will lead up to the weekend celebration to be held April 19-21.

On Saturday, a 5K road race, 10K road race and the Criterium (bike race) were held. Sunday’s events included mud volleyball and a mountain bike race, despite the uncooperative weather.

This week will include many more events which the Veishea committee hopes will attract ISU students.

“We’re just trying to provide opportunities for students to get involved over the week,” said Daniel Faidley, executive entertainment co-chair.

Monday through Thursday of this week will include special events that take place on or around central campus.

“This is our way of making Veishea more of a week-long event,” said Heather Richards, executive public relations co-chair.

On Monday at noon, free ice cream sundaes will be served on central campus.

Tuesday’s event will be an opportunity to release frustrations at the “Drunk Driving Car Bashing” to be held between the Campanile and the Memorial Union also at noon. The price for car bashing is $1 for three swings.

The special event on Wednesday will include “Giant Twister” on central campus at noon.

“Come twist with someone you don’t know,” Richards said.

Thursday’s special event is “Water Gun Friendly Fire,” with a water balloon fight to be held on central campus at noon.

Also this week are Veishea mud and sand volleyball tournaments, soccer, flag football, basketball and the Terrace Muzic performances.

The Terrace Muzic performances will be held on the terrace of the Memorial Union from 7-10 p.m.

If the weather does not cooperate, they will be held inside in the Maintenance Shop.

The bands included in the Terrace Muzic schedule are The Nadas and Citrus on Monday, Savage Oral Hotbed and Sister Machine Gun on Tuesday, Shade of Blue on Wednesday and Solover and Local H on Thursday.

“We’ve got really good bands, and I’d like to see a good turnout,” Faidley said.

The Terrace Muzic events will provide an “alcohol-free environment” as well as an opportunity for “safe entertainment,” Faidley said.

For more information on the bands, look inside the Currents section of the Iowa State Daily all this week.