Bridging cultural gaps

Editorial Board

Iowa State Daily Editorial Board: Troy McCullough, Tim Davis, Jennifer Holland, Kathleen Carlson and Jenny Hykes.

The Iowa State Department of Public Safety deserves commendation for its efforts to organize an educational program for international students concerning domestic abuse.

The program will reportedly focus on providing information to international students about laws concerning domestic abuse and services available to help both victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.

Organizers have taken pains to point out that the creation of this program is in no way an allusion to high rates of domestic abuse among ISU’s international student population.

What the focus of the program should be, and appears to be, is that with the variety of students from other nations and cultures residing here, many may not be familiar with the services and options available to them in certain situations, like domestic abuse.

It’s simply a precautionary effort to make as many people as possible aware of the options available to them — options they may not have realized they had without this program.

Nobody ever intends on getting in a car wreck, but it’s safe to buckle up just to be sure.