Open your eyes

To The Editor:

This letter is directed toward the author of the April 11 letter to the editor entitled “Bias??? What Bias???” and all other non-greeks that find pleasure in ripping on the greek system.

As far as I can tell, you see us as immature, selfish, uninvolved outside of the greek system, and above all, drunk. Maybe our Greek Olympics are immature — that is our way of having fun and letting go after a week full of work.

Work being: collecting cans for charities, volunteering and giving blood at the blood drive, distributing sober monitors in the bars, designing T-shirts and lawn signs, and competing in sports competitions.

Aside from my house’s philanthropy, we give our time to Big Brothers & Big Sisters, elementary schools, nursing homes and many other places in which we are not required by anyone to do so.

As for participation in non-greek organizations, open your eyes! If you are involved in any of them, you would know that greeks are, also: SAA, GSB, honor societies, sports, Veishea and homecoming committees, to name a few.

On top of the activities I’ve named, we must keep our grades above a certain standard. We hardly have time NOT to be sober.

Drinking? Yes, many greeks do drink. Many non-greeks drink too. Many STUDENTS drink.

The point is, I’m not saying greeks are better than non-greeks, I’m just asking you to be less ignorant—if you want to complain about

us, come visit first so you know what we’re like. I’m sure any house would welcome you. Just don’t knock it ’til you try it.

Do you realize that nearly every greek has lived in the dorms, but very few “dormies” have ever tried the greek system?

Next time, before you open your mouth or pick up a pen, become better informed about your subject of choice.

Kristin Tedesco

