Team PrISUm reaches for the sun with a bit of help

Kris Fettkether

First there was Band-Aid. Then came USA for Africa and Farm-Aid. But after a long, cold winter, we at Iowa State know who to pay homage to, the almighty sun God. Well, not exactly.

“Solar Aid,” a benefit for ISU’s solar car, PrISUm Cynergy, will take place tonight at People’s Bar and Grill. Team PrISUm is raising money to re-engineer the 1995 car that was badly damaged in an accident last June, just 30 miles from the finish line of the 1,200-mile Sunrayce 95.

“We’re trying to get money to finish building [the car] to put it in Veishea,” said Beth Hunter, Team PrISUm director. “And we’re taking a two-week tour of Iowa at the end of the year.”

Hunter said the car blew a rear tire and swerved out of control during the last race. Now, the suspension must be rebuilt and the car rewired. New wheels are also needed to prevent tire popping.

ISU’s solar car team must raise more than $100,000 during the next year to compete in Sunrayce 97. Hunter said in a press release. “Even though we aren’t building an entirely new car, we need several thousand dollars for a new solar array and to rebuild the motor.”

Much of the support, both cash and materials, is expected to come from private companies and individuals. Hunter said they are receiving funding from the College of Engineering and the Institution for Physical Research and Technology at ISU.

But overall, the university has reduced its cash contributions to the project. For that very reason, the team is trying new fund raisers like last semester’s free tuition giveaway and tonight’s “Solar Aid” concert. The team, composed of 60 ISU students, hopes to raise several hundred dollars at the benefit.

Hunter said Team PrISUm may be giving away parts of the wrecked car and posters of the sleek solar-generated auto. And for just $25, one can adopt a cell on the car.

“Your $25 gets you a piece located on the car,” she said. “With that you get an adoption certificate and a map of where your cell is located. It’s a great gift idea for someone.”

Ames’ famous band of nothings, The Nadas, and special guest Flora will perform starting at 9 p.m.

Both groups have recorded CDs, which will be available at the performance.

The show is open to all ages and the $3 cover charge goes directly to help Team PrISUm.