Living the wildlife

To The Editor:

I am disappointed that a member of the wildlife diversity program of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources cannot make the distinction between wildlife and domesticated animals.

In the April 2, 1996 article “Lake Laverne subject to April Fool’s Prank” written in the Iowa State Daily, Pat Schlarbaum was quoted as saying that he is “disappointed in people’s attitudes toward wildlife.”

“Wildlife” is referring to Sir Lancelot and Elaine, ISU’s pet swans.

This misinterpretation between wildlife and pets is becoming increasingly familiar in American society. People compare wildlife to their soft loveable housepets and consider wildlife to be the same. Well, they are not the same!

Wildlife is one of America’s most important resources and should be managed as such, not as domesticated animals.

One thing is certain, if anybody should know the difference between wildlife and pets, it should be members and employees of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

Mark Nauman

