Banquet attracts 100 faculty

Cindy Tschampl

It’s all about support, assistance, friendship and fun, Phyllis Brackelsberg, professor in the department of textiles and clothing, said about the honors program at Iowa State.

Brackelsberg was the faculty keynote speaker at the University Honors Program awards banquet on Tuesday night, attended by 101 faculty members, students and friends. Among the distinguished guests were Edwin Lewis and his wife Nancy, and Ellen Sorge and W. Robert Parks.

“The purpose of the banquet is to recognize and express thanks to the faculty involved with the honors students and to celebrate the achievements of the students in the honors program,” said Charles Kostelnick, chair of the University Honors Program Committee.

The highlight of the evening came with two new awards created this year. Elizabeth Schabel, an English professor, received the University Honors Program Committee Teaching Award and Donald Beitz, professor of animal science, received the University Honors Program Committee Mentoring and Advising Award.

“We wanted to do a better job of recognizing the people who make significant contributions to the Honors Program,” Kostelnick said.

Schabel has taught various honors courses and seminars in addition to regular English classes.

“I enjoyed my theater and Ayn Rand seminars the most because the students bared their souls and shared on a deeper level than they normally would have.

Probably the most rewarding event was when I and a couple of students created a discussion group about Herman Hesa that eventually took up all of Friday afternoons,” Schabel said.

In addition to his regular work load, Beitz has taught honors seminars, been a mentor for the freshman honors mentor program and advised students with their honors projects and degree programs.

“I love helping students better themselves and seeing them achieve. My favorite situation is when I start advising a student as a freshman and carry them through their degree program,” Beitz said. The W. Robert Parks Awards were presented to an outstanding faculty member, friend and student of the honors program.

Gary Downs, department of curriculum and instruction and chair of the College of Education Honors Committee, received the faculty award for serving the Honors Program “above and beyond” the call of duty. He established the Education Honors Club.

Jeanine Bessette and the Department of Residence received the friend award for their aid in setting up the first honors house, located in Lyon Hall. Alex Panchula, senior in physics, English, and mathematics, received the student award for his help in the initiation and realization of the honors house.

Renee Funk, sophomore in dairy science and chair of the awards banquet committee, was awarded with the Outstanding Honors Student Board Member scholarship. This honor recognizes a student who has made a difference in the program, especially through the Honors Student Board.

“I’ve done a lot with the Honors Program,” Funk said. “I’m just glad that they honor the people who are involved.”

A similar award, the Outstanding Freshman Honors Program Member scholarship, was awarded to four freshmen: Michael Brand, pre-agricultural engineering; Anne Campbell, liberal arts and sciences; John MacDonald, transportation and logistics and management information systems; and Brian Moorhead, pre-electrical engineering. Student keynote speaker Vonnie White summed up the evening and the Honors Program well.

“People tell me ‘what an honor it is to be in the Honors Program,’ but really, it’s whatever you want to put into it, and without the people I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish all that I have.”