It’s just too easy

To The Editor:

This letter is in response to the letter published April 15, “Open your eyes,” and to all the other whining greek articles I have ever read.

This ongoing battle between the greeks and non-greeks makes me sick and makes me question why I ever decided to come to a university where something as ridiculous as a greek system could possibly engulf and take over an entire university.

ISU caters to the greek system and everyone sucks it up, plain and simple.

I am not even going to start with all my opinionated thoughts of and experiences with greeks because there simply is not enough room in this whole paper to say what I think.

Yeah, I suppose it is wrong to categorize all of you as the typical greeks, but you guys just make it way too easy.

I do have to commend you guys, though, because you do collect cans and all.

Personally, you’re right; I haven’t tried it, so I shouldn’t knock it, but Iam forced to witness it every day in all my classes and on every inch of this campus, and it is nauseating.

Of all the friends I have ever had who decided to “greek,” only one did not change into a completely different person. That is pretty sad.

I mean, let’s be honest. You all want to be recognized as non-conforming individuals with your own brains, but you all look alike (except for those new age alternative greeks who swear their houses aren’t like sororities or fraternities at all), you all talk alike, and you’re all as fake as the tans you have.

I am so sick of going to a party and hearing, “What house are you in?”

I just feel like saying, “Um, I’m sorry, I don’t need to buy my friends or my identity.”

But, you know what? I see why so many of you do — because you have made it nearly impossible to do anything in this town unless you are a GREEK.

Hats off to the Greek Olympics; you want a pat on the back, so here it is.

My only qualm and question for you members of the greek system is when are you going to admit that it’s all FAKE???

Ninety percent of the greeks Iknow were wasted Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the ever-so-famous “dry” Greek Week, and all they could do was worry whether or not someone was going to rat on them or if they would get penalized for drinking with their letters on.

So, as a non-greek member of this pathetic and ever-so conformist society I ask you, when does the hypocrisy end?

We have enough divisions and B.S. to deal with at this university already; we surely don’t need yours, too.

Maureen Ryan


Communication Studies