Seminar prepares students for real world

J. S. Leonard

The sheltered life lived in classrooms and dormitories seldom prepares students for the real world.

That’s why there is Real World 101, a free seminar presented by the Senior Class Council (don’t bother looking it up in the ISU class schedule) that will be held tonight at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Union Gallery.

It is a seminar designed for seniors and all students to prepare them for the real world, said Murray Williams, senior class vice-president.

The evening will begin with a business fashion show featuring four male and four female students who will be wearing business clothing provided by local clothiers. Olive’s and John Huber Clothier in Ames will demonstrate some of their business suits.

“There will be someone explaining that and how to dress,” Williams said.

Real World 101 will feature lessons on business etiquette by guest speaker Linda Dasher.

“She gets paid big money to go to businesses and do this,” Williams said. “She will teach students how to carry themselves in business luncheons, interviews, and things like that.”

Young alumni from the Des Moines area will explain things that they should have known and how they prepared to get out into the real world, Williams said. “It’s the type of things that are not taught in career service courses. It’s not how to write a resume, it’s not how to put together a portfolio and it’s not what to do in an interview. It’s the other things that they don’t teach you, like what to wear so you don’t look like an idiot.”

Williams said this seminar will benefit anyone who is going to start interviewing for internships and jobs.

“It shouldn’t take too much time out of their night but I think it will be well worth the time,” he said.

The Senior Class Council has planned several other events for this week. On Wednesday night a flush-letter party will be held at the Dean’s List.

“There will be prizes for the worst flush letter, the longest, the shortest, and the rudest,” Williams said.

On Thursday, students from different ISU colleges will compete in the College Volleyball Tournament at 5:30 p.m. at the Beyer Hall volleyball courts.

A free barbecue will be held on central campus on Friday starting at 11 a.m., proving that there is, in fact, such a thing as a free lunch. Food will be donated by Anderson Consulting and all students are welcome.

On Friday evening at 10 p.m. the Last Chance Campaniling Party will start. The Nadas will play from 11 to midnight.

“At midnight there will be last chance campaniling for any seniors who have never had a chance to do it before to find someone, a significant other or otherwise, to have a last chance at campaniling,” Williams said.

Chris Cakes will sell pancakes at midnight for those who have the munchies.