Africa Week kicks off today

Kathleen Carlson

Organizers of Africa Week are hoping to bring educational and entertaining African cultural events to Iowa State beginning today.

“Africa week is a yearly event we put in place to celebrate our identity as African students on campus,” said Margaret Kroma, president of the African Student Association.

Kroma said the group also likes to encourage students to experience other cultures and to participate in the events.

The theme of the week, she said, is “Building Bridges Towards the 21st Century, whither Africa?”

Kroma said Africa is on the threshold of a new century and many new changes politically, socially and educationally.

A new explosion of technology is being used as a springboard for development in Africa. Some of the events of the week deal with the issue of technology.

Kroma said she hopes the week displays the diversity of the African continent and its many diverse languages, people and ways of life.

“The more we know, the more we can deal with differences and recognize them as strengths,” Kroma said.

All of the events are free, except the dinner on Thursday, which costs $7. Free entertainment is offered afterward. Tickets for the cultural evening with the dinner and entertainment are available Monday and Tuesday in the east booth of the Memorial Union from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets can also be purchased at the event.