Enough is enough

Editorial Board

Iowa State Daily Editorial Board: Troy McCullough, Tim Davis, Jennifer Holland, Kathleen Carlson and Jenny Hykes.

It comes as no surprise to most that our elected officials are spending more and more time worrying about the election part of their job, but with a recent memo sent to Republican lawmakers, we say enough is enough.

The memo, initiated in part by Rep. Jim Nussle, a Republican from Iowa, and listed as “URGENT,” requested information on the Clinton campaign that would expose any ethical lapses of the president.

The memo went on to request any information on fraud, waste, abuse or dishonesty from the administration.

Many immediately saw the equation. Election year plus the fact that a Democrat controls the executive office equals the need to help a Republican get elected in November at any cost.

Many lawmakers denounced the memo, calling it dirtball politics and a sleazy political attack.

The urge to help one’s political party in an election year is understood. But come on. Enough is enough.

In a perfect world, our national leaders would be elected to serve the public and make this country a better place for all to live.

But the world we live in is far from perfect.

Why are they wasting their time with this when they could be doing the jobs they were elected to do?

This is just the latest example of how it’s clearly more important for our lawmakers to show allegiance to their political party, rather than the citizens they serve.

And it further proves that our lawmakers are increasingly becoming nothing more than full-time politicians.

Is it any wonder why there is apathy among the voting public?