Josh Clayton-Felt will get it done all by himself tonight

Kris Fettkether

If you want it done right, do it yourself. This could be Josh Clayton-Felt’s motto. The former School of Fish frontman wrote, produced and played nearly every instrument on his solo disc, Inarticulate Nature Boy.

The pop boy-wonder will open for Del Amitri tonight at People’s Bar and Grill.

The Boston native didn’t waste time sulking after SOF sunk; he was too busy writing. “I must’ve written and demoed about 25 songs after School of Fish broke up,” Felt said in a press release.

Felt, an unabashed fan of 70s AM radio, formed School of Fish in the late 80s with partner Michael Ward, only to find their brand of quirky pop register nil on the charts.

So back to the drawing boards he went, this time on his own. “I learned keyboards and bass and started playing drums — which I found was the toughest thing to do,” Felt said.

“I thought it sounded more personal,” he explained. “I would’ve felt phony if all of a sudden I just hired a studio band to play these songs. I do my best work when I’m on my own.”

Maybe so, but tonight Josh Clayton-Felt buddies up with Del Amitri when he opens up the show at People’s. Felt is set to take stage about 9:30 p.m. Tickets are still available for $18 at the door, and bring your ID.