Dean’s List denied outdoor permit

Regina M. Galer

The City Council denied the Dean’s List’s request for an outdoor area permit Tuesday night.

One of the Dean’s List owners, John Laugerman, a junior in management, told the Council that the outdoor service area would not increase his customer capacity and would be guarded against entering minors both by an extension of the 8-foot fence already in place and a well-trained staff.

Council members pointed to the police record of Dean’s List, 2522 Chamberlain St., which shows that there were 47 citations issued to individuals for being on the premises underage from January to April 11, 1996.

While Councilman Herman Quirmbach suggested a probationary period for the outdoor extension of the bar, members Ted Tedesco and Judie Hoffman ruled out the possibility of extending the privileges of serving liquor to an establishment with such a “spotty police record.”

Councilman John Parks expressed concern about the outdoor area.

“I just don’t see a reason for this, I don’t see what it would accomplish,” Parks said.

Laugerman said that in spite of the decision, he and his partners plan to try again for the permit sometime in the future.

The Council also approved a resolution that would recommend National Register eligibility for Iowa State’s Morrill Hall, which will go before the State Nominations Review Committee on May 10, 1996.

Construction was completed on Morrill Hall on June 24, 1891, the architecture strongly influenced by that of timely architectural standards coming out of Paris, France, according to the State Nominations Review Committee.

The official application paper for the National Register emphasizes Morrill Hall as a unique building in Ames and on campus.

Morrill Hall is one of a small number of buildings surviving of the red-brick structures typical of the first 30 years of university history.