Greek bias

To The Editor:

As a member of the greek system I was highly offended to see that your paper chose not to write a single article about the Greek Olympics that happened last weekend.

This was the biggest event that has happened this semester at Iowa State. This is such a positive reflection of what makes the greek system great. The entire week was dry and the entire greek system was extremely generous with their time by donating to many worthy causes.

The culmination of that week was Saturday’s Greek Olympics. Hundreds of greek men and women spent their entire day in rain and cool having a good sober time.

It’s time that the Daily and its editors set aside their bias against the greek system. The paper should not only write about some of the bad moments of the greek, such as [the] article on noise violation, but the Daily should also give the Greeks a chance to shine by writing about our positive contributions.

Eric Weisenhorn


Phi Kappa Theta

Editor’s Note:

While the coverage of the Greek Olympics was admittedly light, the overwhelmingly positive coverage of the greek system on the Daily’s news and opinion pages would contradict that the newspaper has a “greek bias.”

Aside from the April 2 story on the noise ordinances, the Daily has published 14 stories specifically on the ISU greek system and its members over the past 2 1/2 months.

All were of a positive or informative nature, including a front page story and photograph about members of FarmHouse Fraternity shaving their heads in support of their fellow member who lost his hair through chemotherapy, a front page story about the recent national honors bestowed on the ISU greek system and a front page story just two weeks ago about how the actions of two sorority women led to the City Council’s decision to address the issue of parking on Ames’ streets.

In addition to the stories, four of the 11 editors at the Daily have been or still are members of the greek system.

— T.M.