Strength in democracy

To The Editor:

It’s sad to see (after reading Jenny Hykes’ story “Chinese students upset by ads” on April 5) traditional Chinese mentality still drives many

overseas Chinese students to think that as students they only want “to be quiet and study in peace.”

Politics seems to be a dirty word to them, while many come to the U.S. just because they long for freedom and democracy; they want to say more.

As a Chinese from Hong Kong but born in China, my concern is that in a democratic society it is everyone’s responsibility to participate in various kind of political activities, from casting a vote to support something to publishing an ad to oppose something.

In this sense, the Taiwanese students’ voice should be heard and their courage should be honored.

China’s economy is booming, but China can be strong only when its people have enough courage to criticize its policies and participate as a whole in the society.

Kot Yik-Chit
