YSS raises large portion of its campaign goal

Kathleen Carlson

Youth and Shelter Services announced that it has raised about 70 percent of its $2.5 million goal at its campaign kickoff Wednesday night in the Scheman Building.

“Preserving the Past—Preparing for the Future” campaign is attempting to raise $2 million to renovate the old Ames Municipal Building; $500,000 will be allocated for the YSS Foundation endowment.

The first public display of the 1915 time capsule items was also at the kick-off. The capsule had been removed from the cornerstone of the Municipal Building in January.

The 10 time contest winners along with the items for the new time capsule were also announced. The new time capsule will be placed in the renovated building, and officials plan to have it opened on Iowa’s 300th birthday in the year 2146.

Donors, chairs and members of various committees were honored at the campaign kickoff. Campaign Chair Richard Jacobson, was honored for his $500,000 contribution. The building will be renamed in his honor for the largest donation.

“I’m just a small part in this, we’re all together,” said Jacobson, a Des Moines businessman.

The first dollars are the easiest dollars, he said, and recommended that the fund raising campaign “go the extra way.”

The Variety Club of Iowa, another big contributor, raised nearly $180,000

The building, on the corner of 5th Street and Kellogg Avenue, has some minor demolition left, said Bill Lee, building and grounds committee member.

Most of the outside will remain the way it is with the exception of some cleaning and roof repairs, he said.

The renovation of the building is “going very nicely,” and is expected to be completed by the first of the year, Lee said.