Weightlifting meet a success

Chad Winchester

The Iowa State weightlifting club hosted a power lifting and bench press meet last Saturday in Beyer Hall. About 60 competitors from around the midwest took part in the meet.

Iowa State weightlifting club President Mark Jensen was pleased with the turnout.

“The number of competitors was about 20 more than last year’s total,” Jensen said. “It turned out as well as we could have hoped.”

Jensen attributed the success of the meet in part to thorough planning.

“We started organizing the meet quite some time ago so things would go as smoothly as possible,” Jensen said.

Iowa State graduate John Ikeda, competing in the 242 pound class, took top honors in the bench press competition with a 485 pound lift. Thom Denton, competing in the 181 pound class, traveled all the way from Peoria, Ill., to capture the best overall lifter title in the power lifting competition.

Denton registered a 600 pound squat, a 315 pound bench press and a 570 pound dead lift for a grand total of 1485 pounds.

In women’s competition, ISU weightlifting club member Valerie Brant won the open division bench press with a press of 105 pounds.

Deb Hafner won the open division bench press with an 85 pound effort. She was also recognized as the women’s best overall lifter.

Wartburg College was not lacking for representation at the meet. The college was represented by 18 members of the Wartburg football team who dominated the 275 pound class in the power lifting competition.

The ISU weightlifting club hosts only one meet of this nature per year due to the cost and organization involved with such a large event.

The competition is not a money-making affair, but is instead geared toward providing lifters with competitive experience.

Exposing its members to this competitive atmosphere is one of the goals of the club. Lifters can build on this experience to set goals for themselves in their training.

“We also have a lot of experienced lifters that provide a wealth of knowledge to the less experienced lifters,” Jensen said.

The club trains in Beyer Hall and owns all of its own equipment. The location of their training site offers something different to members.

“It’s more of a gym atmosphere,” Jensen said, “rather than a fitness club atmosphere like you get at the Rec Center.”

Membership in the ISU Weight lifting Club is $50 for 12 months or $30 per semester with a major portion of the dues going to purchasing and maintaining equipment.