Alleged bias amusing

To The Editor:

As a non-greek Iowa State student, I was highly amused to read Eric Weisenhorn’s letter on the immense Greek-bias problem the Daily has.

Weisenhorn wrote that Iowa State’s most important event this year, the Greek Olympics, failed to be recognized by the Daily.

He went on to voice that the Daily recognizes the faults of the greek system far more often than its noble activities and generous actions.

First, I would like to inform Mr. Weisenhorn that not all Iowa State students would agree that the Greek Olympics is the year’s most important occurrence.

My personal opinion holds the Native American Symposium, the Black History Month activities, and the Take Back the Night March, as those things among the most important this year.

I do, however, realize that these are the things that I hold important, things that I am biased toward, while others may not.

Second, the fact that Greek Week was dry and sober was brought forth

twice in Weisenhorn’s letter.

It seemed that frustrations were felt due to the fact that this absence of alcohol was left un-appreciated. I would like to note that being sober for a whole week is something that is not uncommon for many students who are serious about their education here.

Finally, I feel that it is ridiculous to be upset that the Daily does not recognize every gracious act performed by fraternities and sororities.

I would like to see an article about the man who recycles the pop cans thrown away in the Ash Street area. He is doing a great service by this, but I realize that not every kind act can be publicly recognized.

I am surprised that Weisenhorn feels the Daily is biased against the

greek system.

I do not recall there ever being an article on the garbage of debris and styrofoam left to the wind after the productive lawn displays have been torn down.

Perhaps greeks should be somewhat thankful that the Daily fails to uncover all greek happenings.

Cassandra Green


Elementary Education