Out Of Bounds

Christopher Clair

One of my greatest talents is the ability to point out the obvious. Just stating the fact is another example of the practice.

But sometimes people need to have the obvious pointed out to them. Yeah, you.

So here’s an update on what’s been happening.

This version might seem a bit more slanted, but don’t question the truth!

For one thing, the NFL is giving the NBA a run for its money in the race to see who can provide the worst images of their players. Two more representatives of this league ran in with the law recently.

Quentin Coryatt, linebacker for the Indianapolis Colts, is facing charges that he pointed a gun at somebody during a traffic altercation.

So what, the Big Q isn’t big enough to handle his problems sans handgun? I’m sure he was threatened by the physical stature of the other man involved in the incident. Yeah…

It’s one thing to threaten a man, yet it’s another to mistreat animals. Todd McNair, the man who necessitated the term “third down back,” was busted for his cruelty toward 22 pit bulls that he had on his property.

It sounds like something out of the middle ages, as if the days of cock fighting were coming back with a slight canine twist.

But anyway…

Hey! The Vancouver Grizzlies might suck, but they managed to avoid setting the record for the longest losing streak in NBA history. True, the team’s 23 consecutive setbacks made up the longest string to occur within the confines of one regular season, but they were able to avoid falling in 24 straight contests.

Big Country and the boys were able to dunk the Timberwolves to avoid setting a record that wouldn’t be accompanied with pride. The Timberwolves will once again have a lottery pick, which they will probably use to pick another youngster a la Kevin Garnett.

This time it will be Stephon Marbury, the 19-year-old phenom point guard from Georgia Tech. He has declared himself eligible for the NBA draft after only one season in the NCAA ranks.

The ‘Wolves will take Marbury, as they proved last year that they are not afraid to draft young, unproven talent.

When Marbury slams a Timberwolves hat on his head on draft day, remember who told you so.

Moving on…

New York Yankees. They are for real! Sure, they’ve only played two games at the time of this article’s birth, but they’ve handled the Cleveland Indians in both of those games, allowing only one run in each game.

Derek Jeter, the rookie shortstop for the Bronx Bombers who has spent a long time in the minors awaiting his chance, is finally getting that shot. He has not disappointed.

In the opener, Jeter made two stellar defensive plays and provided a souvenir for a fan in the left field bleachers.

In his second game, he went 3 for 3, scoring three runs and stealing a base.

He looks to be the complete package, and I have conceded the AL Rookie of the Year award for 1996 to this dazzling shortstop.

And yes, I am a Yankee fan. I’ll print 15 inches of bias if I want to! Aside from the McSherry tragedy, baseball is off to a great start. There seems to be an overall feeling of enthusiasm.

Who would have thought that Major League Baseball would be the classiest organization in major sports right now?

Christopher Clair is a senior in journalism from Waukon, Iowa.