In defense of Greeks

To The Editor:

This letter is in response to (the author of the letter entitled “Bias??? What Bias???”) that was published in the April 11 issue of the Daily.

Greek Week is an annual event that displays the positives of the Greek System and lets the fraternities and sororities engage in a little friendly competition for the sake of unity.

There are many events throughout the week that provide opportunities for participation from all students, not just Greeks. If you read the paper once in awhile, or listened to the radio, you would know this.

Publicity is not our motive for doing charitable work. If you knew anything about the Greek System, you would realize that every fraternity and sorority organizes philanthropies throughout the school year to donate money, time, and effort to local and national charities.

This is not because we want a pat on the back or a handshake. It is because we are good people trying to do good things.

Publicity is essential to Greek Week because we are trying to show the general public what Greek life is about and invite all students to come spectate or participate.

As far as the “many worthy causes,” Greek Week does do many activities to help the Ames community and also Iowa State University. Some of these are computers and software for elementaries and pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House.

Greek Week also organizes the largest student-run blood drive in the nation. Because of our efforts, we received over 2,000 pints of blood to donate to local blood banks. This blood helps save many lives each year.

If you would like more information on some of [the] things we do to help the community and university, feel free to contact anyone on the Greek Week Central Committee.

As a community within the general students of Iowa State University, the Greek’s drinking percentages match those of non-Greeks.

So, do not stereotype us as having a reputation of heavy drinking every night of the week. Just because we have one week where it is required to be dry doesn’t mean we are alcoholics the rest of the time. Because of ignorant people like you, we are constantly fighting this bad reputation.

We would like to say thank you to the Daily for publishing this letter and for also writing subjective articles about the Greek System as well as other campus organizations.

Mike Tiedens

Greek Week Central Committee

Adelante Fraternity

Mike Tiedens

Greek Week Central Committee

Adelante Fraternity