Preserving tradition

Editorial Board

Iowa State Daily Editorial Board: Troy McCullough, Tim Davis, Jennifer Holland, Kathleen Carlson and Jenny Hykes.

With the extra hours of sunlight enhancing the joy of outdoor activities, one might pause and admire the beauty of this campus.

The ionic columns of Curtiss Hall, the stately ringing Campanile and the bright red bricks of Morrill Hall.

But you better get a good look now because it could all change.

People say they care what happens to Morrill Hall. There has been an outcry to restore the building that represents what Iowa State is all about — the only land grant university in Iowa. An ISU professor is even attempting to stall the demolition date by trying to get Morrill Hall placed on the National Register of Historic Places to drum up support.

But where is the group working diligently to raise the $6.5 million to fix the crumbling site of our history?

The lack of support may determine the future of this campus’ history.

A member of the Historical Preservation Commission believes that by getting the building on the register, there will be a historical record of Morrill Hall even if it’s torn down.

We don’t want to see a picture of it on the wall. That’s not the way to preserve the beauty of ISU. There must be a source to provide money for the restoration process.

Let’s find that source before Morrill Hall becomes nothing but a historical footnote on ISU’s campus, rather than a living breathing monument to the rich tradition.