Amusing charity isn’t so funny

Editorial Board

Iowa State Daily Editorial Board: Troy McCullough, Tim Davis, Jennifer Holland, Kathleen Carlson and Jenny Hykes.

The Kiss the Car contest is now over. It was at some times amusing. It was at some times humorous. And it was at all times a very sad commentary on our culture.

The original objective of the contest was to raise money for the Boys’ and Girls’ Club of Ames.

That’s a good cause.

But that cause was overshadowed somewhat by students’ zealous attempts to win a new truck.

Several contestants left delirious from sleep deprivation. One woman needed to have her stomach pumped after popping too many caffeine pills.

It seems that some contestants were willing to sacrifice their health in order to gain the coveted prize.

And it ultimately leads to the question of where our priorities lie.

Don’t just blame those who sponsored the contest. It was a novel idea that gained a lot of publicity for a good charity. Their hearts were more than in the right place.

Don’t just blame the students who puckered up for several hours without sleep or household comforts. Be honest. Almost any of us would have done it if we were given the chance.

Don’t just blame the media for publicizing the event. It was an interesting story, and it generated a lot of talk.

All of us are to blame. The Kiss the Car contest shows us to what humiliating and dangerous lengths we will go for an almighty materialistic prize.

Just where do our priorities lie?