From The Far Side

April Samp

It’s Veishea week! Oh the drunkenness of it all.

And it’s only nine more shopping days until my birthday. I like yellow roses — just keep that in mind.

Well, it’s my third to last column as a sophomore and I’ve resorted to writing about the fact that I have nothing to write about.

I’m aptly entitling this piece of literature: “A GREAT BIG BUNCH OF NOTHING and some kind of funny things too.”

Let me start with congratulating my friends Becky, Jacie and Shannon on being on the “Price is Right” on Monday.

What weirdos.

You may be thinking what does this have to do with sports? Well, I’ll tell you, you dummy. Hole in one or two!! The mini-golf putting game.

That’s what it has to do with sports. It takes skill, balance and a little bit of courage to make it on that prestigious show.

By the way, wouldn’t you consider running away from Bob Barker trying to grab your ass some kind of sport?

I also have to give credit where credit’s due. To my intramural softball team — NIt2WinIt (figure it out): I have a good feeling about this. We’re going to win it all.

So what’s with Magic Johnson? You try to feel sorry for the guy who slept around on his wife.

Hey, he’s a great basketball player. He’s Magic. But then he goes and bumps an official like it’s a playground game.

Pretty immature and petty. Kind of like how the rest of the league has been acting.

When a guy like Magic, who is supposed to be a class act and an ambassador between officials and players, gets ejected, it’s a sad day for the National Basketball Association.

Iowa State wrestler Chris Bono just keeps dominating his weight class. The National Champion was named outstanding wrestler at the University Nationals freestyle wrestling tournament on Sunday. At 149.5 pounds, Bono won in overtime over an Oklahoma wrestler.

Bono knows.

Here’s a little bit of Olympic trivia for ya’.

Former Iowa State softball player Lisa Eagan from Oskaloosa is a member of the USA handball team.

Cyclone head coach Deb Kuhn introduced her to the sport. She also played for the national team.

And I bet you didn’t know this: Iowa State’s own Chad Calek will be competing in the Olympics also.

He’s one of the world’s best badminton players — a fact little known to average humans.

Pete Sampras is again the No. 1 player in tennis. I tell you, I’m destined to marry this man. My name would then be April Sampras.

And lastly, arena football is one of the most exciting games played today.

If you haven’t caught the action of the Iowa Barnstormers yet, make sure you do this summer. It’s great fun and not too expensive.

It’s hit after hit up close and personal. You sit along the sidelines and witness the action firsthand.

“A Great Big Bunch of Nothing” must now come to a close. See ya next week.

Don’t forget about my birthday and I’ll make sure to fill you in on the Violent Femmes concert.

“Why can’t I get just one kiss?…”

April Samp is a sophomore in journalism from Eldora, Iowa.