Daily photographers receive top honors

Jennifer Holland

Creative images got two Iowa State Daily photographers named College Photographers of the Year.

The Iowa Press Photographer Association named Daily Photo Editor Michael Faas, a senior in philosophy, first-place winner of the 1995 College Photographer of the Year contest. Staff photographer Michael King, a senior in construction engineering, won second place.

“After last week, through strenuous internship searching and stress associated with searching for a high level internship, it was a relief to know that I was able to produce photographs that were appreciated by the judges,” Faas said.

Photographers from around the state entered the competition, and Faas and King placed in several other categories.

“I think it’s great, especially for the both of us,” King said. “It says a lot about the Daily’s staff when two of its photographers win.”

Faas was awarded a Nikon 6006 camera, and he said the title is also an honor.

“It’s more like polish on a car. The awards help, but it’s the content that matters” and the ability, Faas said.

King said the ISU community allows him to be creative because of the many events he covers from sports to President Bill Clinton.

“We are challenged more to diversify our pictures,” King said. “The Daily gives us the chance to use the newest technology such as digital imaging equipment and computers.”

King also said interacting with professionals from Des Moines and other cities help them learn new techniques.

Faas said this is only one step to make positive contributions to the future of the expanding media market.