A time for all seasons

To The Editor:

After reading the articles about the demands for the renaming of Catt Hall to the original name of Old Botany Hall, and after further reading the letter from Ms. Mass last week, I wish to make some brief comments of my own.

Whereas I am sympathetic with the desire of certain groups to redress all grievances of the past, it seems that consideration should be given to the time in American history that the offensive statements and actions referred to her in her letter occurred.

Certainly today the quotation referred to by Ms. Mass is offensive to most people, including myself.

However, at the time, it was made specifically for a politically purpose; namely to advance the cause of women’s suffrage.

Yes, it was demagoguery, but it was based on possible courses of action, not impossibilities.

Without such forceful strategies employed by the suffragists, it is entirely probable that the right of women to vote would have been delayed many, many years.

M.H. Mericle

Ames, Iowa