He shoots, he nails the mail!

Chad Calek

Now that the year is winding down and I am truly struggling to get to summer, I’d like to take a look back on the year that is nearly behind us.

Not only will I devote this column to some great events this season, but I’d also like to throw in just a few fictional elements to really make the moments glow.

So here we go:

Troy Davis, after breaking the 2,000 yard barrier at Missouri with a 40-yard run, reviews the game tape with McCarney and company. McCarney reviews Davis’ 40-yard run and criticizes Davis for his risky running style.

Although Davis feels down, Jahi “Goose” Arnold leans forward and whispers, “Hey man, gutsiest move I ever saw.”

Second moment: After winning the Big Eight tournament, the men’s basketball team is hanging out in the locker room when words are exchanged between Kenny Pratt and Dedric Willoughby.

Willoughby tells Pratt that he is everyone’s problem because he plays dangerous. Pratt stares him in the eye and replies, “That’s right, Dedric. I am dangerous.”

Third moment: Graston “Chuck” Norris set an ISU rushing record with a 90-yard scamper to the end zone. Norris then turns to Davis and says, “There’s two R’s in Norris.”

Fourth moment: A gallant crowd of 200 attempted to bring the goal posts down after a loss to Kansas State.

The Department of Public Safety tried to get in the way, but the force was just too much.

The National Guard was deployed, but even they couldn’t keep those posts from falling. Women and children wept in joy as the students united for a purpose. Then they all went to the pond and ate kiwi.

Fifth moment: Chad Calek (moi) is arrested for a parking ticket. Not trusting “the man,” Calek decides to defend himself.

The judge, not recognizing the pure force that he is dealing with, is attacked by 200 crazy people carrying a goal post.

Calek walks out of the courtroom unscathed, never again to be harassed. Isn’t my world a cool place?

Sixth moment: Troy Davis, after realizing that he had been screwed out of the Heisman, rolls his sleeves and waits for Eddie George outside of the hotel.

George, who is ecstatic about his trophy, gets jumped by Davis in the hotel hallway.

Davis screams, “Eat it. Eat that damn trophy. You want it so bad! You had better eat that damn thing.”

Seventh moment: Those who read Chad Calek’s column stop to realize that he really is what every mother should want their child to be like.

He’s fun, caring, committed, honest (kind of), considerate to the feelings of those people who don’t suck and he is the world’s biggest patriot.

So there are some of my favorite moments mixed in with a little Calek-esqe edge to make the story a touch more exciting.

I hope you enjoy and watch next week for my last column of the year. I got a little something gooooooood in mind.

You guys and gals have fun. We’ll talk later.

Chad Calek is a junior in journalism from Persia, Iowa. He is the assistant sports editor of the Daily.