Last one standing is…?

To The Editor:

OK, hopefully this is the last response to the April 24th letter and to all meaningless arguments.

To begin, I am tired of reading these letters and I am sure I do not stand alone.

If you’re like me you care less that this person is better than this one because they are a greek or non-greek.

So what if people in the greek system tan or dress in a certain style and so what if some non-greeks don’t have a secret handshake or chapter room?

If this is what people worry about or categorize as being individuality, then you haven’t a clue about life.

Being an individual is determined by the person themselves, not by what a group of people say.

People can do certain things, but it’s up to the individual to agree.

Why don’t we use the Letter to the Editor page for what it was intended for — concern about real issues.

For instance, why not talk about how the Journalism Department will not let me enter into advertising or television production until I pass an English test.

Or how about the mistreated visiting research assistant from Buchanan Hall who was put in jail for shoplifting. Whatever the topic, just pick a worthwhile one.

If it’s something you really cannot hold inside, save it for when you go home. It will give you something to talk to your parents about.

Heck, call them now because I would like to see if they tell you they don’t have time for this right now.

I know I do not have to read this page, but people’s opinions are what keep my mind rolling. Opinions are good only when the topic of choice can interest the readers’ minds.

It’s this kind of crap that makes me wonder why I came to Iowa State (As mentioned in the April 24th letter).

I thought I was coming to a university that promoted individuality and diversity in the true meaning.

Which to me is—it’s your choice, take it, and succeed in the process.

If the greek system didn’t or won’t work for you, good, then take your ideals and become something.

If the greek system has or could help you grow then, good, take your ideals and become something.

Please do not waste your time trying to bash each other. If you’re bashing just for the sake of bashing, then have a royal rumble cage match with Jischke as “Mean Gene Okerland.”

The last one standing has what? …no friends and and equal status to Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

I know this probably won’t end, but if another person like me wants to read some mind-opening opinions, please reply.

Scott Streicher

