The Devil’s Advocate

To The Editor:

First off I would like to thank the Daily for giving me something to respond to other than the Catt Hall issue.

The reason that I am writing has to do with the subjective article that was placed in the April 8th issue.

I do not think that Jim Snyder’s quote on the morality of Atheism was appropriate emphasis in this forum, considering, as I understand it, a news publication should be as subjective as possible.

I believe his statement to be offensive as well as ignorant. Although I am not personally an atheist, I feel the need to play the Devil’s advocate (pun intended).

Some linguistic scholars would appreciate it if I were to enlighten a few persons on the finer points of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

A popular theory among scholars, many of whom consider themselves Christian, believes the ancient scriptures to allude to the fact that the Bible is a children’s book, originally intended to metaphorically illustrate the basic ideals of Christianity, opposed to literal interpretations by uneducated folks.

Understandably, the Bible is filled with well-documented accounts of historical facts. I do not believe anyone knows if there is only one God, or many divinities.

It is possible that we are all spiritually linked to a collaborative divine entity that encompasses the cosmos.

It is a personal decision we must make about what works “best” for ourselves. To me, the best would prolong my life as well as those of my loved ones, including my family, my brethren and Mother Earth.

My point being that we should question our own beliefs before we begin judging others (or print other’s judgements ).

J. H. R. Young


Mechanical engineering