Veishea full of frantic fun

Editorial Board

Iowa State Daily Editorial Board: Troy McCullough, Tim Davis, Jennifer Holland, Kathleen Carlson and Jenny Hykes.

Well, we made it through Veishea 1996! The weekend is over, Ames is still in one piece and now it’s time to compare stories and memories.

Despite the unseasonably cold weather, the Taste of Veishea, the bands and other events brought people to Welch Avenue to jump around and dance in the streets.

Swarms of people walking the streets remained in control and no major riots or outbreaks of violence threw the town into a frenzy.

The administration and law enforcement officers deserve a pat on the back for all their efforts of crowd control and herding intoxicated bodies.

The gobs of parties from one end of town to the other were handled safely and party-goers demonstrated that the fun of Veishea doesn’t have to end in violence, frustration or sheer stupidity.

It’s safe to say this was a successful celebration.

The parade, however—too cold. It represented Iowa State well, but if it weren’t for the commercial breaks that delayed the hard work of float builders and fund raisers and only emphasized the unseasonably cold weather, the festivities could have been a bit more enjoyed by all.

Now that we’re all stuffed with turkey drumsticks, gyros, funnel cakes and cherry pies, it’s time to clean up the yard, recycle the cans and prepare for finals.

Good luck, and may your finals week be as successful as Veishea 1996.