University museums gear up for the upcoming holidays

Sarah Wolf

If you’re sick of the mall and your checkbook is suffering too, you might want to check out the Brunnier Museum Store tomorrow afternoon for some painting demonstrations and unique shopping opportunities.

The Holiday Art Festival Series kicks off this Saturday with two local artists, Jane Baty and Mary Weisgram, and their work. Baty, watercolorist of portraits and flowers, will demonstrate her method of painting from 1 to 2 p.m.

“The demonstrations are opportunities for people to really learn,” said Janine Jacobsen Vaudt, information coordinator for university museums. Baty will also be offering her paintings for sale until 4 p.m.

Weisgram, potter-in-residence of the Octagon Center for the Arts, will demonstrate her “mixed media dolls” between 2 and 3 p.m. Weisgram teaches classes at the Center and also manages the studio. She has been making the dolls for over four years.

“They’re very unique,” Vaudt explained. “Each has its own personality and own characteristics.” These dolls will also be for sale after the demonstrations.

For even more selection for gift-giving, check out the Farm House Museum and Holiday Shoppe. This year’s theme is “Trees and Trimmings.” Vaudt said the museum is all newly decorated and recently open for the season.

Special gifts that you just can’t get at the mall include Moravian stars, batting Santas, lemon pomanders and feather trees. “Most of the items are handmade; there are a couple that are imported,” Vaudt said. “It’s a really good place to buy gifts for that hard-to-buy-for person.”

Also this weekend, to get you into the holiday spirit even more, the ISU Men’s Glee Club will fill the museum with Christmas carols and the strains of a melodian (similar to a pump organ) Sunday.

“It’s open for people to walk around and enjoy Farm House and let people get a step on the Christmas feeling,” said Natasha P. Thomas, member of the Glee Club and assistant to the museum curators.

Adults can roam around the house, enjoying the decorations, while kids can keep busy constructing their own ornaments to take home. Everyone can indulge in some punch and treats.

The Holiday Art Festival Series is held Saturday afternoons during the holiday season; it is free and open to the public.

The Holiday Shoppe is open from noon until 4 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.