‘Tis the season

Editorial Board

The holiday season makes a lot of us feel “warm” for many reasons. But thanks to an Iowa State student, a few more people will feel some warmth, not only in this holiday season, but throughout the rest of winter.

Freshman Rana Alexander, a resident of Storms Hall, is sponsoring a charity drive which aims to collect approximately 1,000 articles of clothing. The clothing will be donated to the Salvation Army in Des Moines and will be distributed to low-income families that need assistance.

The idea is a fantastic one. During this time of year, many of us find the contents of our closets uncontrollably replicating themselves — gifts often fill up any leftover, empty hangers.

This time of year is an excellent opportunity not only to realize how much we have, but understand how much someone else might not have. This is not just the season of gift-receiving, but gift-giving. Generosity knows no bounds.

Unfortunately, however, Alexander’s drive, which began on Nov. 26, is falling short of its modest expectations. While clothing will continue to be collected until Friday, many more contributions are needed.

If you have anything you can spare this year, please help Alexander help someone who needs it, and make this holiday season a little warmer for everyone.