Parenthood services

Matt Kramer

To the Editor:

I was pleased to see an article about Planned Parenthood’s upcoming relocation in the Tuesday, November 28, edition of your paper.

However, I would like to point out a critical mistake in the wording.

The article stated that Planned Parenthood officials will continue to refer patients to Des Moines for abortions and AIDS treatment.

To date, Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa does not provide treatment for AIDS at any of its centers. However, the Des Moines Central Center does provide confidential HIV testing to the public.

The Ames Center provides annual checkups, birth control supplies and information, Pap smears, breast exams, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy testing and full options counseling, medical and prenatal referral and midlife service.

Thank you for a well written article about Planned Parenthood and for informing your readers of the many services at the Ames Center.

Matt Kramer

