Tree lighting ceremony held today

Kathleen Carlson

The annual lighting of the holiday tree and other seasonal delights at Iowa State will happen today at 5:15 p.m. on the steps of Beardshear Hall.

ISU President Martin Jischke will be present to extend holiday greetings, said Glenda McIntire, coordinator of the tree ceremony and university relations administrative specialist.

The lighting of the tree has been expanded to include luminaries on the sidewalk between Beardshear Hall and Curtiss Hall, and around the corner to the Farm House Museum, McIntire said.

“The Farm House Museum will also be decorated in its Victorian holiday trimmings,” she said.

Horse-drawn wagons will be available for rides to the Farm House or around central campus for no cost.

Music will be in the air, as ISU’s carillonneur Tin-shi Tam will be playing carillon music and the ISU Singers, directed by Robert Molison, will provide seasonal music.

Cookies and hot chocolate will also be available.

The tree-lighting tradition began in 1914 but lasted only two years. It was started again in 1946, said John Anderson, interim director of university relations.

The early involvement was driven by a student construction engineering group, who used to be in charge of lighting the tree, he said. The decorating is now done by facilities planning and management.

Anderson said the event is a “holiday” tree lighting.

“It used to be a Christmas tree but was changed to a holiday tree to be more inclusive. It is more a symbol of holiday time or spirit than of one particular religious observance,” he said.