New alcohol rules for fraternities, sororities

Jenny Hykes

Iowa State’s InterFraternity Council and Panhellenic Council voted Thursday night to implement new alcohol policies at greek social events.

One of the changes will limit the amount of alcohol guests can bring to greek parties to six 12-ounce cans of beer per person. The previous policy did not limit the amount of alcohol, but did not allow any alcohol over 20 proof, or any bottles.

Jim Kaucher, IFC vice president of risk management, said the change was made “for the safety of our members.”

The new policy also divides events into four categories and bans alcohol at all but one. Alcohol will not be allowed at philanthropic events, mixers between fraternities and sororities and special events. It will be permitted at parties, but with some limitation, Kaucher said.

“The old event policy used to blanket all events,” Kaucher said. “Now we’ve cut it into sections so people know the policy for each specific section.”

Kaucher said the new policy will “hopefully give a good representation of the greek system. There have been a lot of changes in the greek system over the years. We felt we were starting to lag behind. We needed to police ourselves a little bit.”

The councils have also put together programs to train greek members to check IDs at parties and to tell when people are intoxicated and how to help them.

No enforcement sanctions have yet been created because the two councils have not agreed on the specifics of the policy. Although the councils started with the same measure at their Thursday night meetings, IFC’s measure passed with several amendments, while the Panhel’s measure had no amendments.

Kaucher said enforcing procedures will begin in January. “I think people appreciate the fact that it is for their safety.”

The issue of alcohol in the university’s greek system was heightened when a University of Iowa fraternity pledge died after a night of binge drinking earlier this year.