Council annexes more land

Dawn Bormann

The Ames City Council voted to annex more commercial land at the intersection northwest of 13th Street and Dayton Avenue at its Tuesday night meeting.

“It is a very necessary land-use for our city that is very needed,” said councilman John Parks.

The resolution passed even after councilwoman Sharon Wirth asked the Council to table the decision until the zoning rules could be reviewed and possibly amended to give the Council more control of the property.

Wirth and others expressed concern since the land falls at an entryway to the city.

“We need a special zoning plan for entryways,” Wirth said, adding that she was not opposed to annexing this land, but would like to see some protection for this area.

Councilwoman Judie Hoffman said she would like to see the area zoned as commercial land rather than general commercial, so the Council would have more control over the entryway. “This is one of the nice entrances that we have to the city and there is not a great deal of control over the area under general commercial,” Hoffman said.

The area’s development contractor, Dean Hunziker, assured the Council he had no hidden agenda planned for the land.