Helping in their time of need

Editorial Board

The powerful explosion that blasted a federal building in Oklahoma City this summer has left in its wake heartache and destruction, especially to the families of those who lost their lives. That morning, 150 adults and 19 children, most of whom were in daycare, were killed.

Over Thanksgiving break, dozens of ISU students and faculty sacrificed part of their vacation to visit the bombing site and plant trees in memory of the victims. These people should be commended, and their actions should serve as an example to everyone.

Those of us who hail from Iowa know that not so long ago, a natural disaster struck us a little too close to home. Response to the floods of 1993 from all over the country, including the federal government and students from across the nation, helped ease the emotional and financial distress the waters caused.

It’s good to know that two years later, people from this university can remember their own time of need and give back to those who are now in dire straits.