Union will play host to demolition party

Emily Mcniel

The wall will come tumbling down Thursday at 3 p.m., and anyone who wants to take a crack at it with a sledge hammer is welcome.

The demolition party for the ground floor of the Iowa State Memorial Union will be held in the Commons construction area. Besides the chance to release your scholastic frustrations on university property, free refreshments, music and mementos will be provided.

“The entire area south of the main corridor, to the bookstore, east to west is coming down,” said Kathy Svec, marketing coordinator for the Union. “We’ve left a section of wall, down low enough that it doesn’t fall on anyone’s head, however, for the demolition party to pound on.”

Tom Thielen, vice president for student affairs, Sandy Tieg, president of the Union Board of Directors, and Maryjo Mertens, managing director of the Union, will all give short speeches.

“We’ll stop the crashing for a brief time and let people come down and take a hit at the wall. It should be fun,” Svec said. “There will be free food, a little silliness and a few serious comments … students are especially welcome.”

Renovation of the Union Commons and kitchen area began early in November.

Designs call for a new food court area and renovation of the kitchen, student organization space and restrooms. Work is scheduled to be completed in January of next year.