Holiday choirs to perform

Julie Kline

The holiday season is in full swing and the Iowa State choral department is getting into the holiday spirit by having two big holiday concerts this weekend.

On Saturday at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. in Stephens Auditorium seven of the universities choirs which include over 350 students and two guest choirs will be performing tunes in the spirit of the winter holidays. The performances will be a part of the universities 40th annual Holiday Festival of Music.

The choirs will be performing a variety of tunes reflecting the various cultures and customs reflected around the world while reflecting the universal themes of peace and joy, said Robert Molison, director of choral activities.

The concerts which are expected to attract 700-800 people each have been set up to spread the good cheer of the season to the entire community.

“This gives us a chance to share holiday music with the university and the community. The season is so spiritually uplifting for everyone and this helps people get the season started in a special way,” Molison said.

The afternoon concert will feature a family-oriented theme with songs being performed by several groups from Ames and ISU culminating in the song “Joy in Jerusalem,” which uses Palestinian, Chassidic and Hebrew music styles working together to symbolize a desired peace. The afternoon will showcase the talents of the Ames Children’s choir led by its founder Sylvia Munsen and the ISU Vocal Jazz Ensemble under the direction of Ray Salucka. Iowa State groups performing include the University Chorus directed by James Tener and the ISU Glee Club directed by John Kelly. There will also be a performance by the Hand bell Choir from the Collegiate United Methodist Church.

The evening concert will feature the higher profile choirs from ISU and Ames. The Iowa State Singers led by Molison will perform seasonal songs from around the world including Rachmaninoff’s “Cherubim Hymn” from Russia “O Sifuni Mungu” from Africa and William Dawson’s “Mary Had a Baby” from America.

The Oratorio Choir led by Jeffrey Prater will carry over the themes of peace and joy in their performances of a A Christmas Oratorio by J.S. Bach and Maris Stella by Trond Kverno from Sweden. The two choirs will combine with the ISU Brass Choir under James Bovinette for the “Gaudete” a medieval hymn arranged for the King’s Singers and “Anthem of Peace” which combines American and Estonian folk traditions.

As an additional bonus those attending the evening concert will get to hear music department faculty members Soprano Janet Alcorn and tenor Donald Simonson on “O Holy Night.”

Ticket prices per concert are $6 for adults and $4 for ISU students; they are available through the Iowa State Center or all Ticketmaster locations.