Getting to know the Daily staff

Chad Calek

My rookie semester as a columnist is winding down. In fact this will be my last column of the semester, so I figure it better be good.

I figure I’ve written enough propaganda on Troy Davis to last him for the rest of his career. I spoken enough about the problems with the Nebraska Con-huskers. I’ve even dipped my nose in the Orenthal Juice trial.

I’ve given us 10 ways to pre- and postgame party. Alas, who could forget the numerous attempts to “rip those damn goal posts down.” You people are true fans. Keep up the good work. God loves you!

But I wanted to do a little something different this time. I want you to get to know some of my good friends down here in the Daily sports staff.

So lets start with Jason “He could go all the way” Howland. Yes it’s true that Jason is my boss, but only until his graduation in two weeks. So if you see him on campus, wish him well.

But who is Jason? Jason is a pretty intense cat! With his “teenwolf” beard and his menacing scowl, he’s the meanest boss you could ever have.

Of course I’m kidding! Jay’s always “quick with a joke and a light of a smoke,” to take a quote from Billy Joel. He’s definitely a goofball that the sports department will dearly miss.

Next is April “From the far side” Samp. April is unique to say the least, which really shows in her creative writing. April is a true explorer in her columns.

She’s also a very sensitive young lady who still maintains a great sense of humor. So if you see April, don’t just say hi. Ask her how’s she’s doing.

Next is Bill “Cheese Head” Kopatich. Bill is the guy that you don’t want to see at the party talking to a girl you’re interested in. “Mr. Smooth,” I like to call him. There has also never been more of a “no fear” reporter. He’ll get that damn story, one way or the other. So if you see Bill on campus, don’t worry, he’ll say hi to you.

Then there is Chris “No, I didn’t play for the Falcons” Miller. Chris knows his way around. He’s the answer man in the department. Mr. “I know everything, you punk!” is what I like to call him. Actually, Chris is calm, cool and collective. So if you see him on campus, don’t say hi. Ask him to give you a hand.

And of course we can’t forget our retiring wrestling reporter. That’s right. Scott “It’s not Anderson” Andresen. The Guru, once you get past his overblown ego, is really a cool cat, even though he can’t pick Cy’s Eyes games worth a crap.

Scott is always up for a conversation/argument with no personal damage intended. Scott will also be graduating this semester. So if you see him on campus, wish him well, because whether you like his writing style or not, he’s made you laugh at one time or another. Good luck Scott!

Now you have a brief summary of the characters that roam this office every day. Just thought I would get the writers and the readers a little bit closer.

Before I end this final column of the semester, I’d like to thank those people who wrote to me, whether it was good or bad. Either way, you took time out of your day to talk to me, and I couldn’t be more appreciative.

Have a good break, and I’ll talk to you next semester.