April’s wish list

April Samp

As the end of another semester draws near, the thoughts of a well-deserved Christmas break have been repeatedly entering my mind.

I can’t wait until all of the assignments I have due are done and I can go “home, sweet home” to relax and do the gift thing.

Remember the days when you really thought Santa came down your chimney to bring you all the gifts you told your parents you wanted? I do. Some years I even wrote letters to Santa pleading my case that I HAD been a good girl.

It wasn’t me who sat on my brother, holding his arms down, doing that spit thing where you make a long spit string almost touch his face and then suck it back up a millisecond before it drops. You know you’ve done it.

That other girl kept doing it until he’d say, “April, you’re the king of the world. I worship the ground you walk on. You can run faster than anyone I know.” Ha!

My mom would insure that Santa was aware of our present wishes and that he delivered, especially the year I got the Easy Bake Oven, or the year I got my own set of golf clubs.

These memories got me thinking about writing a letter to Santa this year and asking him for a few things.

To: Santa Claus

Candy Cane Lane

North Pole

Dear Santa,

Hi, remember me? It’s your good little girl, April from Eldora.

First of all, I would like to say that you always do a great job with Christmas.

You look great. Have you lost some weight? By the way, red is really your color. (A little schmoozing never hurt anyone’s chances for getting a present.)

On behalf of Iowa State athletics and myself, I’m writing you a wish list of the presents we’d like to receive.

But before I begin, I want to thank you for all of the stocking stuffers you’ve given us already like the volleyball team’s first-ever NCAA appearance. What a great season and what a great bunch of people.

Also thanks for Dan McCarney coming to Iowa State so he could convince Troy Davis to stay here. We all knew what he was capable of, even if Jim Walden didn’t. Again thanks for the early Christmas present for the wrestling team. Rated fifth, the Cyclones manhandled the No. 2, 3 and 4 teams in Las Vegas over the weekend.

Also thanks for the gifts of a very talented hockey team, a new women’s soccer team, a great intramurals program and GI Joe guys.

Now I will begin my wish list:

1. I wish Troy would get the Heisman Trophy. Troy said it would be a great gift to his parents.

2. I wish that the women’s and men’s basketball teams will go undefeated as long as possible. New socks for both teams and maybe new ties for Bill and Tim. They’ve been good.

3. I wish I was an Oscar Meyer weiner. Just kidding.

4. I wish that on Jan. 13, ISU beats the Hawkeyes in wrestling. Come back from break early and witness this event first hand. Do it or I’ll hunt you down and do the spit thing to you too.

5. I wish for good grades this semester. Please!!

6. I wish for some good football recruits so we can build on this year’s success.

7. Last, I wish for some Wonder Woman underoos.

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule, Santa. I really appreciate it and keep up the good work.


April Samp

I WAS a good little girl — always have been. I love my brother and he better love me or I’ll do the spit thing to him over break. Sorry Mom.