Several holiday thefts reported over weekend

Jennifer Holland

Ames is not excluded from the joyless Grinch. A series of holiday ornament thefts over the weekend have upset some local festive spirits.

According to police records, 13 reports were made this past weekend regarding theft of holiday lawn decorations. “It’s sad. It’s usually younger people looking to have a good time. One way is to steal ornaments and lights off of peoples’ property,” Ames Police Sergeant Jim Robinson said.

Police take the thefts seriously. “We have more officers on patrol and neighborhood watch groups are alert. Keep eyes open for neighbors and report any suspicious activity,” Robinson said.

When a statue of the Virgin Mary by Save U More, 538 Duff Ave., was stolen, Ames police were able to locate the thief and other stolen property through a license plate check.

“Through a license plate check, police went to the home of the individual and during the investigation recovered the statue and stolen bikes and parts. The individual was doing it as a joke which led to the uncovering of other crimes,” Robinson said.

Police officials do not see holiday lawn ornament thefts as unusual.

There have been a couple of reports in past years where people were going onto property and cutting down evergreen trees, Robinson said. “It’s not bizarre. Fortunately we haven’t had reports this year. People should realize they will have a criminal record if they are caught. They should ask themselves if it’s worth it.”

People caught stealing ornaments could be charged with criminal mischief. “Items of $100-$500 in value are a serious misdemeanor. That’s the same class as driving drunk,” Robinson said. “Individuals could face up to one year in jail, a $1,000 fine or both.”