Browsing Library and Chapel won’t relocate

Shuva Rahim

The Memorial Union Board of Directors voted Thursday to keep the Union’s Browsing Library and Chapel where they are.

The motion, made by Barbara Mack, a media lawyer and a member of the journalism faculty, passed 18-0.

Prior to the vote, no proposal was made by the board to remove the two rooms, although relocating them had been discussed, said Sandy Teig, board president.

“We have discussed relocating those two areas to other parts of the building in order to renovate and enhance student office space,” she said.

Al Oberlander, an architect for RDB Bussard Dikis Architects Interiors & Planning in Des Moines, the firm contracted to make the renovations, presented two floor plans for the ground level. One included the two rooms as they are and one was without them at all.

“We’ve done both of these plans so we can evaluate the impact and the quantity of offices of moving or not moving the Chapel and the Browsing Library,” he said.

The issue of moving the two rooms arises from the Union’s historical value.

W.P. Proudfoot, the Union’s architect, designed the building so the Browsing Library and Chapel would be located under Gold Star Hall, a war memorial on the first floor.

“That’s where the emotion comes from in this issue,” Teig said. “Proudfoot designed these two service rooms underneath the memorial hall as a connection of literary and religious foundation in which these heroes have gone to war. There are many people in this college community who feel that this should not be disturbed and there are some who don’t care.”

Matthew Goodman, a Student Union Board representative, made a failed motion to postpone the board’s decision until a student telephone survey conducted by the SUB could be completed.

“This survey could be very important. I’d like a complete survey to make this decision,” he said.

Since the motion to keep the Browsing Library and Chapel where they are was passed, SUB will not finish the survey. According to Oberlander, Union renovations will begin in May.